Quote & Recs of the Day

"The more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at it."

-Bill Nye
Random Recommendations:

Siren by Taichi Mukai: A Japanese r&b song with a (little bit unnerving) really rhythmic beat in the chorus. It's chill!

Not Even Bones + Only Ashes Remain Review! And also other reviews :>

Monday, October 27, 2014

FanWriMo: Can this be a thing? | December

Note: I don't know if this is already done, excuse me if this already is (I searched on google and it doesn't seem like there is). I only claim to my idea and credit to NaNoWriMo for this inspiration.

Yes, this is a parody off of NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month in November. If you don't know what that is, I recommend you check out the website dedicated to this: http://nanowrimo.org/ 

Now don't get me wrong, NaNoWriMo, although I've never participated in it before, sounds awesome. Problem is, a) I don't have enough time because of school (eww) and b) I'm also a fanfiction writer, which,  by the way my link is https://www.fanfiction.net/~tennisbunnyrox if ya wanna check me out. *wink* Not to mention other reasons such as not enough inspiration, motivation, blahblah.
Plus, I haven't updated in almost a year (oops) and I thought that joining in on NaNoWriMo would not help my situation.

I was inspired to come up with FanWriMo or Fanfiction Writing Month. A month dedicated to fanfiction writing.
Here is some basic information (has some similarities with NaNoWriMo's):
  • Anybody can participate! You just have to write fanfiction! Experience also doesn't matter. 
  •  Takes place from December 1-December 31 annually (because you can start of a new year with writing!)
  • Minimum Word Count: 50,000 words by the end of month. That's approximately 1,613 words per day.
  •  You do not have to write 50,000 words of one particular fanfiction. Spread it around if you want.
  • Recommendation: Start planning what you want to write in November before you go on this fanfiction maranthon (I understand that people may not want to participate in this because of NaNoWriMo, which happens in the month before, which is unfortunate but ayyy, December is the month of breaks and vacation-time mostly.)
  • ANYTHING! Literally! Any category of fanfiction! In any language! From any country! Post it on any hosting website! Or don't post it at all; that's perfectly fine. I ain't yo momma. 
  • You can also write by hand or with the help of technology. Also, buddy-writing is pretty cool.
I created a tumblr blog for this! So follow me if you like. :)

If you are interested in participating or helping with this event please comment, message me on any of my social media links (on the About Me page)!

So does anyone else think that this is a good idea? Please do give me some feedback!

Also, I want this to become a thing. I would love if anybirdie else could help me out! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

What I'm learning in Servant Leadership Class | A Different Kind of Post

Hello! I've been recently attending a session on Servant Leadership once a week for about a month. Although I've only been to two out of the four sessions, I thought what I learned there was interesting and wanted to share what I took from it and how I apply it to my life.

You probably don't notice that I'm a relatively quiet and shy person in real life on my blog but yeah, I have a hard time socializing. So taking this course has inspired to me to step out of my shell and take up more leadership roles. I hope this will inspire anyone who reads this too. :)

Disclaimer: My instructor used a book called Habitudes as a sort-of basis for her "lessons" so if there is a similarity of what information I put here and in that book, I am in no way claiming to the information. Again, just putting what I've learned from the course into my own words....kind of.

First and foremost, what is Servant Leadership?
Servant-Leadership is where the leaders share their power with the people they're guiding or leading, and puts emphasis on benefiting others, their needs, and making sure they perform to the best of their abilities. Basically the complete opposite of a tyrant or despot.

For example, volunteer groups is a perfect example of Servant Leadership. The person in charge, or the leader, usually goes around checking up on the volunteers, and is concerned of their well-being and also curious about their personal life. By having a connection and a sense of belonging provided by the leader/s, the volunteers will feel inclined to work harder and want to genuinely help.

Some characteristics that Servant Leadership shares with general Leadership are:
  • Clear Vision (Have a detailed picture in your mind of what you want to achieve; what is the final result or goal?)
  • Manage (Managing the event (e.g. a business or something)
  • Communicate (Spread and express your thoughts to others articulately. Communication is key in any leadership.)
Other important characteristics of Servant Leadership are but not limited to:
  • Desire to serve
  • Foresight
  • Awareness
  • Self-healing
  • Rebuilding Community
But let's look at just leadership for a while. Leadership, across cultures and different upbringings are viewed differently because of their values (honesty, loyalty, piety, order, etc.) This is why, throughout time, leadership theories have ranged from the Great Man Theory in 1840s (leaders were born as leaders; as in royalty) to the Relationship Theory in the 1970s (leaders depend on their relation with their peers; usually positively enforces them).

Before you start to lead others, you first have to understand yourself; your strengths, your weaknesses, your values, etc.
Note that there is a difference between your talents and your strengths. Your strength is something you consistently work towards to become proficient at (basketball, computer programming, marathon runner, etc.) Talents are inborn, something that you are naturally good at and not necessarily something you had to work hard at to be good at(flexibility, balance, music-sense, etc.) And trust me, everyone has a talent.
Leadership is 90% character and 10% skill.
What is character made of?  If you search for a dictionary definition, it defines this as the mental and moral aspects unique to an individual (I tried putting this into my own words so please don't yell plagiarism). Below are sub-units of character:
  • Self-discipline: Training and controlling yourself (aka resisting distractions in order to achieve your goal; personally I struggle with this one.)
  • Moral standards: Your core values
  • Identity: Realistic portrait of yourself in terms of talents
  • Emotional comfort: Sense of security and stable-ness (no mood swings y'all!)
I recommend taking this Jung-and-Brigg-Myers-based test, MBTI Type Test, if you haven't taken one of these already. Personally, I am an INFJ.
I think this test is a great way for understanding yourself better if you have a hard time grasping your personality (as weird as that sounds, but I am one of those people). And here's the link to a detailed analysis of each type combination: Personality Type Portraits.

The next part that we studied that we studied was Communication, which this is where I applied most of the stuff I learned to my routine life.
I don't know if my instructor made up the acronym or not, but what I think is a good basis for any form of communication is S.A.L.T.:
Say Anything (Honestly, just say anything to just break the ice.) 
Ask Questions (Be involved and genuinely curious!) 
Listen Well (LISTENNNNNN, this is so so important.) 
Turn Topic Positive (if you are talking about something sad, end the conversation/topic on a happy or positive note.)

Another important part of being a leader or honestly, just connecting with others in general is being observant. Take note of the qualities in other people such as their strengths, weaknesses, triggers (what motivates or what demotivates them), personality, and the way they learn things (hands-on, visual, etc).
Encouragement could be categorized under motivation, but the essential need for this in every leader is because nobody wants to feel like they're not contributing or basically useless. So it is up to leader, and also peers to encourage one another to complete the task, whether it's presenting a project or playing a sport, encouraging others makes them feel happy and motivates them. This also forms an inner layer of emotional connection, as people will see the encourager in a better light.
When to make an encouragement: 
  • Make them when they fail so they do not lose hope.
  • When they succeed so they will want to succeed again. 
  • When least expected: So they know you're genuine.
  • When you first meet them: They won't forget your connection & remember you for it. 
How to make the encouragement: 
  • Sincere: Well, for obvious reasons. They will most likely feel more empowered if your encouragement is sincere.
  • Specific: This will give them a focus. Just saying a general encouragement is less effective.
  • Public: It has less impact when you encourage privately.
  • Personal: I feel like I'm just repeating myself but if you cater to that person, it will have a bigger impact because it's...unique. I hope you get what I'm saying. (^_^;;)
Note that these are tips and not the only way to make encouragements. Just a basic outline for people that are unsure (like me) when/how to make encouragements. 

And last but not least, we dabbled a little bit into mentoring, which I will just give a few key points that I've learned:  
Instruction: Verbally teach them.
Demonstration: Be the model
Experience: Provide ways for them to learn first-hand.
Asessment: Feedback; know what was done correctly or incorrectly and measure progress.

To wrap this up, Servant Leadership is not so much different from leadership but just for the fact that it focuses more on the well-being of the followers. It's like a happy community! Haha, I don't really know anymore. There are many aspects to leadership and also ways to exude traits of a leader.
Anybody can become a leader! I'm sure of it! So, I'm encouraging everyone to gain a little more confidence in themselves and to step out of their shells to try assuming a position of leadership.

I hope any readers learned something from reading this haphazardly-made post on Servant Leadership/Leadership.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 23: Hobbies | More like I complain about my life

Hello there!
Yet another update and it's only the beginning of October! Wow, ehehe I...should be doing other things instead of being on this blog. I feel like I say that too often. -_-;;

Day 23 is rather simple and pretty self-explanatory if you just look at my blog; you can pretty much guess my hobbies.
Some hobbies that I don't really talk about that much here are probably tennis, kungfu, and Go. There's really not much else to say about that ahaha.

I also enjoy being really organized and clean, and find comfort in doing laundry...if that sounds weird. Something about the repetition of folding clothes makes me calm; like I'm meditating.

Oh! And I also like East Asian music. Specifically Korean and Japanese music. Although my heritage is Chinese, and I'm definitely trying to listen to more Chinese music, I honestly prefer K-music and J-music. I can only understand about 1/4 of what they're saying in songs but it sounds good to me! Keep on doing what you're doing!

Let's see...we were talking about hobbies weren't we? If it can be considered a hobby; going on YouTube and pretty much living on there is my thing. Yeah, I'm aware I need to get an actual life and more hobbies.

Internet is my life. Yep.

This was such an educational post. So much sarcasm is oozing out of my pores at this moment. What a lovely image, I know.
 Honestly, I feel so de-motivated right now that I don't want to try or want to do anything. Does anyone feel me?
That's why this post may seem really lazy and feel like I put no effort into this. Just going to be real, I didn't put much effort into this.
I have to make up a test tomorrow afterschool. And along with that 40-question test, I have to write three essays (1 is extra credit but I'm going to do it anyway because extra credit never hurts, right?)

Plus watching a lot of Button Poetry (which is a YouTube channel featuring many great poets and poems), and erudite and sophisticated speakers on YouTube has really just crushed my remaining self-esteem. I admire them and respect them because they are able to communicate their opinions across well, on top of being really witty (I'm looking at you ilikealison and TheThirdPew), which if you have not noticed so far, is the complete opposite of me. And I realize there are a lot of things that I don't do, and am uncomfortable doing in social situations. The main reason is because I lack confidence. I'm the biggest wimp you'll ever meet. Dead serious. Although I do have a mini-panic attack in the worst social interactions, I feel that I'll be able to improve in this area. That's why I want to make a separate post detailing about this, or maybe even a video. Yes, I have actually decided to make a YouTube channel. My blog is still going to contain the same ol' things such as reviews and discussions, etc. I'm hoping to make a channel that is kind of similar in the subjects I talk about, but also filled with things that I'm unable to communicate across effectively through writing (you know, the filmography stuff. I'm really bad with the camera ahaha.)

That was an awful tangent. I hope that any of the people passing along the interwebs and comes along this post enjoyed it.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fall Anime 2014 | My Line-up

A new season means new animes! 
I have taken my information and list of animes from these lists: Crunchyroll's Fall 2014 Anime Line-up & Anime News Network's Upcoming anime

Basically, I'm just going to talk about the animes that I am most excited for/interested in seeing this fall season.
Also, I'm kind of a little late in putting this up because these animes are all really close to airing so yeah, I need to do better at that punctual thing. 

**Warning: Super long post!**

**Disclaimer: The animation production companies and airing dates are provided by the links above ^; my summaries are my own. Also, none of the images are my own.**

TV Series
Akatsuki no Yona

Animated By: Studio Pierrot
Airing Date: October 7th
Synopsis: Princess Yona has always lived a secluded life inside the castle. When her beloved cousin, Soo-won murders her father, the King, and takes the position of ruler, she escapes with her bodyguard, Hak, in order to find the Four Dragons described in legends to aid them in usurping the throne from Soo-won.
I cannot describe how much I love the manga and all the dragons, and oh my god, Yona. She undergoes some character development and becomes one of the strongest and most likable main characters in shoujo manga. Super excited for this; Studio Pierrot, don't screw up.


Animated By: P.A. Works
Airing Date: October 9th
Synopsis: Five girls that try to make it in the anime world by writing, producing, and even voice-acting.

Because P.A.works. An anime about making an anime. YES. Bakuman all over again (except anime this time).

Bonjour Koiaji Patisserie

Animated By: Silver Link/Connect

Airing Date: October 11th

Synopsis: Girl transfers to this prestigious confectionery school. Four hot guys. 'nuff said.

The plot sounds very similar to Yumeiro Patisserie, and I'm pretty sure everyone who has seen YP thought that when they saw this anime. I don't really have high expectations but I like to check out the reverse harems of every season because reverse harem is awesome.

sorry no picture!
Animated By: Production I.G.

Airing Date: October 9th

Synopsis: Continuation of Psycho Pass. Akane Tsunemori chose to place her trust in the Sibyl System, and now works under a new police division. But soon, yet another foe will appear...
Spoiler incoming so if you haven't finished watching Psycho Pass, don't read. 
I don't think anyone understands how pumped I am for this new season. Oh MY GOD. After that ending, I just had to have more. Interested to see who the new antagonist is this season. I wonder if they are going to get us attached to the 'villain' and kill 'em off again. Hmmmm?

Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji

Animated By: TYO Animations

Airing Date: October 5th

Synopsis: Girl lies about this hot guy being her boyfriend to show off in front of her friends. Guy finds out and actually agrees to be her 'boyfriend'. Turns out his a sadist. In order for him to pretend to be her boyfriend, the girl has to be his slave.
The premise sounds really kinky, I know, but I promise you it's not. Come on, it's shoujo; just a bunch of fluff and flowers (unless it's tagged as smut, but even shoujo smut isn't really bad).
I read some of the manga and it was okay. Not really notable, but it was a little entertaining to read.
This is one of the few shoujo animes releasing this season so I'll give it a watch. 

Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Is this the only sports anime this season?

Animated By: TMS Entertainment

Airing Date: October 6th

Synopsis: The continuation of Yowamushi Pedal. It follows a high-school otaku who has a hidden talent for cycling. He joins his school's team and they compete in the Inter-High tournament. The tournament continues in this sequel.
YES. That ending to the first season was really abrupt; even though I knew they were making a continuation, that was just not the way to end a season. Nonetheless, looking forward to this!

Donten ni Warau

Animated By: Dogakobo

Airing Date: October 3rd

Synopsis: Takes place in the Meiji era. The government has made carrying swords illegal, thus generating backlash, and a lot of violence. The came up with a solution of lake prison, which you pretty much couldn't escape from since the only way to get in is by water, and there are three boys of a family called Kumo that are tasked with the job of excorting the criminals there. 

Magic Kaito

Animated By: A-1 Pictures

Airing Date: October 4th

Synopsis: The lovable and memorable Kaito Kid follows in his father's footsteps in order to learn the truth behind his death.
I liked him in Detective Conan, so pretty interested in an anime focused entirely on him. If only they made an anime focusing on every beloved side character out there...


Animated By: Madhouse (HECK YEAH)

Airing Date: October 8th

Synopsis: Parasites vs. Humans essentially. The main character develops a symbiosis with his parasite.
Last season was Tokyo Ghoul, this season is Kiseijuu! I've loved Historie by the same author (which you should check out if you like historical-fiction), so I've been interested in reading Kiseijuu, or Parasyte. I was kind of iffy about it since it was horror, and that isn't really my genre, but now that I've read Tokyo Ghoul, maybe I'll give it a shot. Who am I kidding, I'm probably just going to watch the anime lol.

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

Animated By: A-1 Pictures (holy heck they are animating a lot of animes this season)

Airing Date: October 9th

Synopsis: Tells the story of a prodigious piano prodigy who can't seem to find his own rhythm after his mother dies. Then, he meets an enthusiastic violin player, and her energy rubs off on him, rekindling his passion for piano.
Any anime about music is fair game for me, honestly.

Shingeki no Bahamut Genesis

Animated By: MAPPA
Airing Date: October 6th
Synopsis: Based off of a fantasy trading card game. Bahamut, a creature that threatens the destruction of all land, is defeated and sealed away by the alliance of humans, gods, and demons. The key to the seal was split between the gods and demons. One day, however, a human manages to steal the gods' side of the key....DUNDUNDUN.
I actually mistook this for something related to Shingeki no Kyojin because, well, the 'Shingeki' in the title. So that was a little embarrassing moment for myself.
UPDATE: OH MY GOD I want to hit myself for being so stupid! I used to play Rage of Bahamut and I didn't even realize this was an anime adaptation of it. It looks so different!

Gugure! Kokkuri-san

Animated By: TMS Entertainment

Airing Date: October 5th

Synopsis: Uhm, hello? Ghosts pretty much making a little girl their cult leader? Handsome fox guy? I'M SOLD. 
Chances are that I'll probably check this anime out but not watch it for long since it seems like a gag anime, and there are only a few gag animes that actually do it right (Yakitate! Japan, Sket Dance).

Also, Shingeki no Kyojin: Guren no Yumiya the movie is coming out, supposedly, November 11th.
And there's a Fantasista OVA on Fantasista Stella, which is a spin-off of the original series, about the main character and his friend aiming for the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brasil. Yeah, they actually made a manga about that. AND I'M SO ANGRY because you get the OVA with a limited edition bundle so basically, I'm probably never going to see it. ALSO, that they haven't made Fantasista a full length anime show yet! It's one of the best soccer mangas out there!
I can't get over how bad 3D CG looks

Probably the biggest disappointment so far, though? Sanzoku no Musume Ronja. I mean, the only prominent person from Studio Ghibli that's working on this project is Goro Miyazaki but STILL. Having Studio Ghibli involved with an anime that uses 3D CG for every single animation is just a waste, in my opinion. I know, budget cuts and everything but Polygon Pictures, you gotta step up your game, or just don't produce this anime at all.