As you can tell, I'm new to this blogging thing. Please treat me well. ^-^~
I first got the idea for this when I was browsing YouTube and discovered BookTube. From there, I completely fell in love with the community and I decided pretty quickly that I wanted to join. If you don't know what BookTube is, it is a YouTube community(like gaming, beauty gurus, etc.) for book lovers. They generally post things like book reviews, book hauls, book tags, etc. It sounded perfect for me!
I don't plan on creating a channel right now but I do hope to in the future. I thought it would be a good idea to gain experience through blogging first so that I would know what I'm talking about on camera(which now, I don't have a good camera anyway.)
So yeah, that's my story there. And also the concept of my blog. I will be posting anime/manga related things as well, since they have been a big influence in my life, along with books.
Today I'm going to be doing the 31-day Blog Challenge(oh how cliche sounding) and it has things for you to do everyday, for 31 days.
I got this challenge from Simmworks: 31 Day Blog Challenge
DAY 1: "Self portrait and 5 random things about yourself"
I took this selfie a while ago but yeah, still relevant. I haven't showered for 2 days(I know, omg, I'm so gross) so I don't look my best but it's not like I'm drowning in my bodily oils-OKAY. TOO MUCH. MOVING ON.
I'm Chinese, if anyone asks.
Random Facts About Me
1. I take forever to get ready in the morning (totally not a morning person.)
2. I love crows because they are intelligent and porcupines because they are cute. But glomping a porcupine will be a feat indeed....Strangely enough, I haven't told anyone that I like these animals. xD
3. I have a sock tan. And it's really noticeable. *sad face*
4. My favorite gaming YouTuber is CryaoticMonki (his personality is great; do check him out. When I mean "check him out" I mean, damn, his voice is hella.)
5. I am interested in different cultures; any cultures really. I guess I like seeing the different traditional clothing and architecture, as well as the religion. It's quite intriguing to step back and view things from, perhaps, an isolated society's viewpoint.
That was the end of Day 1! I hope to post up something related to my blog soon! Yeah! Goals!
Have a fantastic day~ (^_^)/
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