Quote & Recs of the Day

"The more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at it."

-Bill Nye
Random Recommendations:

Siren by Taichi Mukai: A Japanese r&b song with a (little bit unnerving) really rhythmic beat in the chorus. It's chill!

Not Even Bones + Only Ashes Remain Review! And also other reviews :>

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day 19&20: 5 Blogs I like and What do I collect?

Heya! So I was gone for about 2 days because of, ugh, math. Just yesterday I went for an eye appointment (my eyes have gotten worse, surprise, surprise) and then shopping with my mom at Sam's Club. I got home at around 6 p.m. after that and had to work on math(i had to do a quiz, a mini-quiz, and submit a forum response). When I finished all of that, it was 10 p.m., so of course, I had to crash. On Monday, I pretty much did math all day and got really exhausted in the evening so I just watched anime until I fell asleep.

So yeah. That's what happened in my past two days while I was absent from my blog. xD So today, I'm going to do a three-day edition of my blog challenge! Woooot!

5 Blogs I visit on a Daily Basis
I'm also going to promote some tumblr blogs; mostly because I don't really follow a lot of actual blogs (i don't really consider most blogs on tumblr as actual blogs unless the person I'm following, legitimately creates their own posts.)

1. Sophia from thebookbasement. I mentioned her in my previous post as my inspiration for this blog. She is a book blogger, although more like a booktuber now but still, go check her awesome blog out! I don't really visit her blog daily (seeing as she hasn't updated in a while) but definitely one of my favorite book bloggers.

2. Eugenie from Eugenie Kitchen. She has a bunch of really cool recipes on her site, usually, desserts, sweet stuff, appetizers, etc. They are all really unique so if you like baking/cooking, definitely check her out!

3. Clever girl help-A blog full of great tips on writing. Very detailed and informative. I love this blog to pieces!

4. Pretty Books-A blog of pretty books, basically. I recently discovered it from Priscilla (TheReadables), who is da bomb by the way, and I fell in love with all the gorgeous reblogs of books. :)

5. Pacthesis-OH LORD. Let me tell you a thing or two about this girl. She's hilarious as f. I love her tumblr blog especially. I originally discovered her on deviantART, where she makes these dating sim games and she has TALENT for them. 

and I know it says "5" blogs but I just HAVE to include this last one.
6. Banafria-An art blog. She's also on deviantART her art style is very pretty. I admire her skills very much!

What do I collect?
Well, books. That's all that really comes to mind right now. BOOOOOKKKKKKSSSSSSS. 

Tthe first two books in the Mara Dyer Trilogy just arrived at my house. (Yes!) I also have another bookoutlet haul to post but this time, it's a little different. Stay tuned! 

That's all for now! Have a great day!

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