Most of that fangirling was for Free!!~Eternal Summer~ but still. I absolutely LOVED many first episodes. Let's get into the anime, shall we?!
Psycho Pass New Edit
This is an anime that I didn't mention in my Summer 2014 Anticipated Anime post because I already watched Psycho Pass and the New Edit version is just simply cutting the 24-episode-series into a 12-episode-series, meaning that each episode they're releasing is going to be around 40 minutes. There's hardly any new footage, but I'm just taking this chance to re-watch it in anticipation of the second season that's coming out after the airing of this New Edit is done (Autumn 2014).
First Impression eh I already watched it
Free!!~Eternal Summer~
Can we just. CAN WE JUST talk about this for one second?
O H. M Y. G O D.
Every other time I've said my ovaries have exploded is A LIE. This first episode, I knew my ovaries were gone. Yup. Bye ovaries. I already sold my virginity to this. Just kidding. Not really.
If you don't know what Free!! is about or have never heard of it; well, you've probably been absent from the anime scene (or not on tumblr).

The synopsis for ES, or at least where I think it's heading, is a bit similar. Now that Haru, Makoto, Nagisa, and Rin have all reconciled, as well as Rei who fits nicely into the group, there are a couple new characters that enter the scene, one in particular is Rin's old friend named Sousuke. He's pretty much the Rin of this season (except that he's only hostile to Haru and not anyone else.) And Momotarou is great too. I love him a lot so far! Mikoshiba siblings 5ever~

I don't know; my speculation could either be spot on or terribly inaccurate.
There's also a theory for Nagisa's inner turmoil on tumblr.
That's pretty much my opinion of Episodes 1 and 2 of Free ES so far. The OP and ED are PHENOMENAL. I love it. I love Free. I love everything about it.
5/5 First Impression
Zankyou no Terror(Terror in Resonance) or Terror in Tokyo
You see, I was already anticipating this anime because it was an original anime series. And the plot seemed interesting enough.
But WOW, was I blown away. It was an absolutely fantastic first episode.
If you haven't heard what this is about, it's basically about these two boys, called Nine and Twelve (or in school they're called Kokonoe Arata and Hisami Touji) that, for some reason, have this desire to blow up Tokyo. Enter Mishima Lisa, a victim of bullying, who accidentally witnesses Twelve placing a bomb (which is disguised as a stuffed animal). I think Lisa was oblivious as to what the stuffed animal was or maybe she was too intimidated to disobey his orders or whatnot but she held onto the bomb for a while until Nine calls her cellphone and makes a deal to her.
"You have two options; you can die where you are or become an accomplice."Of course, like any sane person, Lisa doesn't want to die so she chooses to help them out. The end of the episode is when she is with Nine and Twelve on the rooftop of a safe building, watching as destruction envelops Tokyo.
The animation is spot on as far as I can tell, the character design of Twelve very much reminds me of Space Dandy, the music is quite interesting and so far, I'm really excited to watch more episodes.
I wonder if Lisa is going to become the rational voice of the this little terrorist group. She seems rather afraid to express her opinion though. And it seems that Nine and Twelve recognize her somehow...? I have no idea, but I'm looking forward to finding out their pasts!
5/5 First Impression
Sword Art Online II: Phantom Bullet
Whoaaa, look out, it's one of the highly anticipated animes of the year!
Definitely a cool series and I know I will enjoy watching this season as well as the first one.
I'll just give a brief summary of SAO, even though I know probably everyone and their mother knows what it's about. Basically, in a alternate modern world of sorts, there is a virtual reality MMORPG game that is release called Sword Art Online. However, one day, things go amuck in the game; no can log out, and if you die in the game, you die in real life. The creator of SAO suddenly appears and tells all of the players that to survive, they have to beat the bosses on the 100 levels of the game. We follow the main character, Kirigaya Kazuto, or more commonly known as Kirito, who achieves fame by becoming the one to defeat this game. The second part of season one was called Alheim Online, which was another virtual reality game containing Elf-like players that the main cast got sucked into aka the rapey part of SAO.
And now we have Gun Gale Online! We learn that GGO is on a whole 'nother level from SAO and ALO because GGO is for professional gamers. Recently, there has been a GGO player that apparently found a way to kill someone in real life by killing them in the game.
Obviously enough, Kirito is going to go into this game, to kind of spy on what's going on, and who's behind this crime. I think Asuna will also end up going into GGO too. Looking forward to the new characters!
But sadly, I'm not as hyped about this as I was before. I don't know why. The first episode was good but nothing really spectacular.
4/5 First Impression
I LOVED Nagi no Asukara. That's when I fell in love with P.A. Works. They are the embodiment of scenery-gasms. So when they announced after the end of NnA that they were starting a new work, titled "Glasslip", I was on the bandwagon immediately.
Again, I believe that P.A. Works has done a PHENOMENAL job on the scenery, the details, and everything like that, maybe, MAYBE even better this time. I didn't love Glasslip off the bat, but that's okay, since I felt the same towards NnA when I first started watching it. NnA had gradual buildup until it reached the summit and then BAM. Everything just...too much. If you've watched NnA, you understand how I feel.
![]() |
Beautiful glass-work |
Also, I love the little details they incorporated to hint that Imi liked Touko. It was brilliant. I can see that this is headed the route of NnA, where there are complex relationships, although not a love polygon (I don't think) but it's going to be at least a love square. Not sure, but if this is a P.A. Works anime we're talking about, there is definitely going to be a twist.
Overall, I need a few more episodes to decide if I really like this new series or not. Above all else though, I'll mostly stay to watch this because of the art. OH THE BEAUTIFUL SCENERY.
4/5 First Impression
Ao Haru Ride
Possibly the anime I'm looking forward to watching the least and I was kind of disappointed with the first episode. It was okay but that was pretty much it. Now, don't get me wrong, the episode just wasn't what I expected. I mean, Ao Haru Ride, is a shoujo manga so of course, what else were they going to do? Obviously flowers and sparkles and awkward pauses.
For some reason, I imagined that Ao Haru Ride was different than most shoujo mangas, that it wasn't that girly at all. I guess maybe in the beginning it was a little girly but I feel like the anime made the girliness and cheesiness level go off the charts.
Ao Haru Ride wasn't my favorite manga but it was an enjoyable at the least. I will be watching few more episodes of this anime to decide if I want to continue watching or if I be too blinded by the sparkles to watch.
It doesn't seem like the interwebs is talking about this anime much. Oh well. I guess I understand.
3/5 First Impression
Tokyo ESP
Dope image from |
I'll just get a few bad parts out of the way before I move to the gushing part. I thought the characters introduced were pretty typical. I can't think off the top of my mind who they reminded me of and how many times I've seen those types of characters done but I can say; A LOT. It's not such a bad thing that it annoys me; just something that I've noticed.
The premise for this anime is interesting for sure; basically Esper War. I believe that the main heroine's group is trying to take down this professor guy...? Yeah, I don't know much about it. But I will definitely watch more episodes.
An interesting fact I picked up on was that the manga is apparently split up into 3 different arcs and each arc has a different main character. I'm guessing that the anime will do the first heroine, The White Girl, for the whole season, and then maybee do the other characters for different seasons? That could be too hopeful though.
I'll be honest, the fact that I expressed any interest in this series was because of the heroine. It's not often that you see a heroine of a shounen anime. So, I'm waiting to see if she cracks down and chooses to be a damsel in distress. MWAHAHAHHA just kidding. But seriously. I've seen so many times where a strong heroine cracks down and becomes weak because of love or something stupid (love isn't stupid but I hope you understand my point.)
Interesting episode, overall. I can't wait to see the characters that are shown in the beginning of the manga but not in the anime. (BTW I'M ROOTING FOR ROMANCE BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE IT HAS SOME.)
4/5 First Impression
Akame ga Kill!
This anime. It hit me so unexpectedly. I knew that everyone and their mother was hyped about this anime but I wasn't; because I'm a judger. I judge things by it's cover and let's all admit that several of you guys do it too. I thought it was going to be another stupid harem anime but OH BOYYY, oh boyyy I was completely wrong.
It kind of gave off a SAO feel, to be honest. But other than that, it is no way similar, I'm not trying to compare them or anything but both main characters had swords on them.
AgK!! is more violent, more grotesque, and I read somewhere that it would be a horror/tragedy so yup, I'm preparing myself to have some feelings. But it's just SO. FREAKING. AWESOME. I can't believe a first episode has made me feel this way.
Damn, Akame ga Kill, damn.
So if you don't know what this anime is about, it's set in this weird setting. Kind of like a cross between the medieval times but modern at the same time? Well, basically there's this young adult named Tatsumi, who travels to the imperial capital (named Capitol) to earn money to save his village, when he is suddenly swindled of all his money by a random lady (who turns out to be "not-a-random-lady"), forcing him to sleep on the streets. An aristocrat by the name of Aria, drives by on her carriage, and offers him a place to sleep in her mansion. What he doesn't know is that her family is hiding a big secret....And it's a pretty disgusting secret at that.
You see, Aria has been luring in poor people (who she sees on the streets I guess) and then torturing them in this hidden building behind their estate. Two of the people that she's tortured in their are Tatsumi's companions, the two other people that came with him from their village, and they both end up dying in the torture chamber. That scene was absolutely terrible. My condolences to both Ieyasu and Sayo.
An outer depiction of Aria's twisted mind |
Oh yeah, and the reason that he found out about that secret was because the Night Raid, a group of self-righteous assassins I suppose, had targeted Aria's family because they knew their horrid practices. That random-swindling lady that I mentioned before? Turns out that she's apart of the Night Raid and that was the only reason that Tatsumi didn't get killed. Now, he's a member of the Night Raid too! Sweet.
Anyway, positively looking forward to the next episode! I think this will be a great anime.
5/5 First Impression
EDIT: Okay, so I just watched the first two episodes of Aldnoah.Zero and OH MY GOD. YES. I really, really dig it.
Sorry I couldn't include a fancy-dancy picture here since I'm kind of in a rush but basically this is a mecha anime about a war between Earth and Mars. Or Terraens vs. Martians. And it's REALLY good.
The anime is hinting at two boys, one Terraen and one Martian (or I guess the Martian one is actually a Terraen, not really sure), facing each other on the battlefield? Or maybe it's just to show the counterparts of the two races. IDK. But it's cool.
Although I'm not really into mecha, this anime actually got me pretty pumped. The OST is great; kind of reminds me of the chilling music from Attack on Titan, and UGH I just love it so far.
Something that kind of concerned me and awed me was how the Terraen main male character, Nao, is just so oddly calm in the most dire situations. It shows that he has potential to be a leader but it makes me feel like he's just indifferent to the world in general lol. I mean, he's not as bad as Kiriyama from Battle Royale of course, but a character with as little reaction as him...I don't know, makes me unsettled. I'm just used to characters freaking out in a situation where they're being ATTACKED BY MARTIANS IN GIANT MECHA. Well, actually, kids Nao's age are pretty used to mecha in his society so I guess I can cross the mecha part off BUT STILL.
As for most of the animes I've seen ^, Aldnoah.Zero has gorgeous animation and artwork as well. I love the character designs so far.
I can see that this will be a contender for one of the best animes to come out of Summer 2014. If not, I'll make it happen.
5/5 First Impression
So that was my first impressions of summer 2014 newly released anime. I did not talk about every single every anime that released, such as Black Butler 3, Dmmd, Sailor Moon Crystal, Tokyo Ghoul, etc. If you watched a summer 2014 anime and you really like the first episode that I didn't talk about here, please feel free to leave a comment telling me about it.
Have a great day! Happy Anime Watching! <3
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